Les LeFevre, Artist

- Photo circa 1947, I always wanted to be a cowboy! Whether working for a short time on the historic Hansen Ranch in Jackson Hole as a young man, just out of the service, to working the stock at the Jackson Rodeo, it nurtured in me a love of the American Cowboy. From my home in Dubois,Wyoming. I look forward each spring to roundup time with my good Friend, John Sides. On his 20,000 acre cattle ranch in South Dakota, each year we relive what ranchers and cowboys have done since cattle were introduced to the west. Little has changed in a hundred years and the experience and camaraderie is all cowboy. The period of 1820 to 1880 on the western plains was the most colorful in American history. Unfortunately, I was born too late to experience it first hand.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
THE SEARCHERS a new oil painting 24"x30"
This is one I have had in my mind for some time and finally got around to painting it. As the buffalo slowly disappeared from the plains they had to venture further and further to find them. The days of hearing the rumbling of large herds was passing. These three were armed with only bows and arrows and lances so the time period was still when you might put your ear to the ground and hear the vibration of a distant herd.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Latest work
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I am excited about my latest painting called "Sisters" but first a little side trip. I just read "The Color of Night" about Frederic Remington's night paintings and I had to try one similar to his. It was very time consuming and I found it difficult. It did lead me to do a semi night time painting of the sisters which I am posting along with the night study. The night study is 11x14 and titled "Sounds from the Prairie". "Sisters" is 36"x24". What do you think?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Recent Paintings
I finally got to settle down to painting after the holidays. I should not let them interupt painting but they always do. You need dedicated time to create the idea and then paint it. Blocks of time seem to get gobbled up this time of year. I keep saying I am not going to let other people determine my schedule but the result would be divorce and becoming a hermit so we compromise. Here are my two I am finishing up this week
Monday, October 31, 2011
Grand Teton Gallery Jackson Hole
I spent a good part of August and all of September in Wyoming and South Dakota. I am now exhibiting in a new Gallerly in Jackson Hole Wyoming, called the Grand Teton Gallery!! It is almost across the street from the Wort Hotel on Broadway. Ian McLennan is the owner and we hope him all the success in the world. I also had a week in South Dakota taking picturs of cowboys and Indians for new paintings. It was a good photoshoot and should have reference for many paintings. Now is the time to settle down and paint since my son was married this past weekend (congrats, Emily and Brian) and all the hoopla is over for a while.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Grizzlys Everywhere
Well, May and June in Wyoming was like living the documentary, Wild America! There were Elk with calves, Pronghorn Antelope with young, Moose with young, Bighorn sheep with young, Mule Deer with young and then there were the Bears with young.
Because of the unusual snowfall of three times the normal and unusually cool weather the snow pack was down at 8000 feet and so were all the animals. Hiking was kept to a minimum so I got lots of painting done. I am now in Grand Teton Gallery in Jackson Hole Wyoming as well a Silver Sage Gallery in Dubois Wyoming. I was in the Wind River Artist Guild National Show and took a first place ribbon in oils and sold the painting as well. It was called "Coming Home" and it was two cowboys driving some horses across a river. All in all it was a great spring
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Charge
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